What Legal Documents Should Be Updated After Major Life Events Like Marriage or Divorce in Michigan?

Many people experience major changes over the course of their lives. This includes graduating school, getting married, having children, and, in some cases, getting divorced. In some ways, people take many of these changes for granted. Many people expect to find a life partner and get married at some point. Others plan on having children one day without thinking about the practicalities of the situation.

Many major life changes involve a great deal of legal paperwork and document modification. This is why if you or a loved one are planning or currently going through a major life event, it can be helpful to contact an attorney for help with complex document updating. An attorney can be vital to help ensure a smooth transition into a new period of your life following a significant event or change.

What Major Life Events Require Document Updates in Michigan?

Most changes or life events require some legal paperwork to be filed. This is because many life events permanently or semi-permanently change a person’s legal status. This is especially true if you are adding to or removing someone from your family through marriage or divorce. Document changes you may need to make may include but are not necessarily limited to:

  • Wills and Estate Plans
  • Health Insurance Plans
  • Car Insurance Policies
  • Life Insurance Policies
  • Driver’s Licenses and Social Security Cards
  • Power of Attorney
  • Savings and Checking Accounts
  • Credit Cards
  • Healthcare Directives

In many cases, simply marrying or divorcing someone is only one step in a much larger process. Marrying someone does not automatically make them a beneficiary to certain assets in your estate. Getting married does not automatically change the name on your driver’s license or social security card. Similarly, if you get divorced, this does not automatically cause your name to revert, and a former spouse may still hold a legal claim to your estate and assets if you pass away.

If you designated a former partner the beneficiary of a will, life insurance policy, or other assets, divorce does not negate this. You will have to update these documents. A former partner may still be able to inherit from you if you pass away without making the appropriate changes. This may even be the case if you get remarried. If you do not update your will or estate plan following a divorce and remarriage, your former partner may still be eligible to collect and leave your new partner in a complex legal position.

This is why taking a proactive approach to legal documentation is vital in the event of significant life changes. Having all of your legal documents up-to-date will ensure the right individuals are in the proper legal position to act on your behalf should the need arise.

What Circumstances May Require Up-to-Date Legal Documents in Michigan?

Multiple situations may require you to have up-to-date legal documents in place in order to ensure your wishes are followed. For example, if you got divorced and you then passed away before updating a will or estate plan, your former spouse may still be able to make a legal claim to some or all of your assets. Similarly, suppose you were recently married and incapacitated in an accident or due to other medical complications. In that case, your spouse may be legally unable to make certain medical decisions on your behalf without proper legal documentation.

Many assume that simply because someone has gotten married or divorced, their new or former partner has automatic legal rights granted or removed. This is not necessarily so. This can be especially true if you are in the process of getting divorced or cohabitating with someone rather than getting married. Legal rights can be incredibly complex when they involve new or former life partners. Cohabitating with someone does not necessarily give them the legal rights of a spouse or life partner. This is true even if the couple have or are raising children together.

This is why updated legal documentation is vital. This is where the phrase “getting your affairs in order” comes from. Legal documentation reflecting your most recent status as married, divorced, or otherwise will ensure that the right individuals will be in place to make decisions for you, receive benefits, or be out of the picture. This is why if you or a loved one has recently gone through a significant life change, you must consult an experienced attorney.

What Should I Do if I Need to Update Documents Following a Major Life Event in Michigan?

Marriages, divorces, and having children are all major life events that many people will go through. Many people do not consider the complex legal processes that accompany these changes. Depending on the circumstances, you may need to update driver’s licenses and social security cards, add or remove people to or from wills and estate plans, and more. This can be a daunting task for some people. This is why everyone can benefit from an experienced business and family attorney.

If you or a loved one have recently gone through a significant life change and need to make sure all of your affairs are in order, don’t hesitate to contact the attorneys of Kendal Law Group PC, located at 4190 Telegraph Rd, Suite 3000, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302. The attorneys of Kendal Law Group PC have an extensive background in helping individuals navigate life changes from marriage to divorce and beyond. They know all of the paperwork that needs to be updated or changed. They can help you and your family ensure everything is in place for you to continue leading happy, healthy lives without worrying about potential legal roadblocks.

Life is often about change. Change can be good, but it is often difficult. That doesn’t mean it has to be, though. If you or a loved one have recently gone through a significant life change and need to update legal documentation, call Kendal Law Group PC today at 248-609-1718 or email them for a free consultation. With the attorneys of Kendal Law Group PC on your side, change can be easy.